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More LoHi Chiropractic Reviews


  • Since starting Chiropractic care I have noticed positive physical results. The staff is kind, professional, and knowledgeable. The atmosphere in the office is welcoming, and I generally look forward to my appointments. Thank you
    -Tyler M.
  • My experience with LoHi Chiro has been great. I feel much more secure with my body and health than I did 1 year prior. Would highly recommend LoHi Chiro to anyone with nerve and body pain.
    -Sam H.
  • Everyone is super friendly. It really just feels like they want you to feel better.
    -Michael E.
  • I came to LoHi back in September 2019 and I wasn’t able to feel my left leg for about a month at that point. 1 month later of 4 treatments/week I was able to feel everything on both sides of my legs. Now I’m able to train/workout better than I ever have before and walk! :)
    -Kathleen K.
  • When I started at LoHi Chiropractic, I had never been to Cairo before. I was looking for a more focused solution to treat my mom Covid symptoms. I had seen many traditional doctors with no success. LoHi Chiropractic was able to able to address and improve pain in my chest, back and return my body to a more relaxed and stable state. I now can work out again hike and get back to normal activities. Thank you.
    -Nathan C.
  • My back has improved tremendously over the last 6 months. Before I started here, I wasn’t unable to sleep through the night and would frequently try to sleep in a seated position due to back pain. These issues are gone. Thank you to Dr. Woz and the entire staff, everyone here has been great.
    -John M.
  • Thanks to the team at LoHi Chiropractic, I feel less stress and tension. Not to mention overall improved quality of life! I have more confidence in my posture and compassion for my health. Thank you for helping me achieve this milestone and operating with so much kindness, compassion and enthusiasm! I always look forward to my appointments!
    -Taylor A.
  • I moved in Denver in March and experienced upper back and neck pain. Found LoHi and has great reviews. Several months later I’m feeling better thanks to their treatment plan.
    -Jennifer W.
  • Overall, I am pleased with my experience here. I feel better. Thank you. :)
    -Fleming L.
  • I appreciate how comprehensive your treatments and approach is – from looking at data and results with the doctor, learning PT & getting stem with Brittney, to adjustments with Dr. Michelle. I am feeling so much more informed and better physically. Thank you!
    -Keara M.
  • My back overall feels more aligned and structurally more in tune. I had a back injury coming in that stopped me from doing my sport, tricking. Now I can finally train pain-free again! Looking forward to the future!
    -Adem H.
  • I came to LoHi Chiropractic with shoulder and hip pain. I was having trouble even walking around the block with my partner. Now shoulder pain is gone and I can walk miles pain free. Thanks for all your help.
    -David V.
  • My lower back pain is better after treatments, so I know I’m on the right track but it is still a work in progress to eliminate the pain completely.
    -Jon E.
  • I have been coming to LoHi Chiro for about a month now and have noticed a sizable difference in my day to day pain. Keep up the great work!
    -Scott S.
  • After a full year of treatments, I definitely have less pain and better ability to participate in certain activities. I know my lower back will never be perfect again, but it’s much better than it was.
    -Keith J.
  • I am a nurse who is on her feet 14 hours a day – 3 days in a row. I was having such terrible back pain I would cry after work. With the PT, adjustments and orthotics I feel so so much better. I have found a renewed care of my patients. Thanks for all you do!! :)
    -Alyssa M.
  • I came in with lots of pain in my lower back and lots of stress in my neck. The pain was starting to get in the way of soccer, my motivation, as well as my work. I felt like I was on a steady decline and there was no easy way out. With their help, I was able to turn my physical and mental health around in a matter of weeks. I’m feeling 100% better and can’t thank the staff enough for their help.
    -Ryan B.
  • I don’t have a tight mid-back when I hike with a pack now. We addressed underlining issues (leg length discrepancy) which has made all the difference!
    -Dustin C.
  • When I experience pain (back pain in particular) I tend to be mean specially to my kids. Since coming here I have had a great tender relationship with my kids, wife and out dogs. Thank you!!
    -Victor S.
  • My success story begins with a very thorough diagnostic exam with Dr. Wise two years ago. I was a mess! Neck and back pain all the time. Only a few treatments of adjustments in modalities, and I was already on my way to less pain, more movement better health! I am now very stable and maintaining my health with the continued support of Dr. Woz.
    -Elaine R.
  • Nothing acute but a general sense of better health. Body is more adaptable. Able to take on stress better, recover faster.
    -Tyler E.
  • This journey has been great! My sleep has continued to improve and all the general (lingering) pain I used to have is pretty much gone. Thank you all so much!!
    -Khalil S.
  • When I first arrived, I couldn’t even tie my shoes. I thought my days of golfing or exercising were behind me. I couldn’t even carry a back pack, and now I’m carrying a golf bag!
    -Kevin K.
  • Doctor Michelle has helped me out a lot, I have moved from a walker to a cane. Thank You
    -Ray B.
  • I greatly appreciate my weekly visits, the thoroughness of the team, and always leaving feeling better. I have the tools and exercises to continue on with this self-care journey and value my year of regular visits, adjustments, and therapies with LoHi Chiro. Thank you! :)
    -Tricia H.
  • The tingling in my fingers is gone! I am feeling less pain and have more mobility. I am pleased with the value that I receive from this office.
    -Laura S.
  • What a great office. I have always gone to some place and felt like no one was looking at the bigger picture or bringing the pieces together. At LoHi, I feel like everything is explained, connected, etc. It has pushed me to make time for myself and put myself first for my long term health and mobility.
    -Katie R.

I love coming in for my adjustments! I feel so much better after words and can really tell if I miss one. The staff (including Dr. Woz of course) are also so positive, friendly, and genuinely caring. It’s a bit of a process but definitely worth it. I continue to see improvements and am so thankful for everyone at LoHi!! Oh, if you have a “computer related” job get your wrists adjusted – it’s awesome

– Michele.

I spent almost a year and a half searching for answers to my sudden increase in migraines. I went through so many rushed doctor appointments where I was just prescribed pills to treat the symptoms which never really worked. When I came for my first visit here I immediately felt valued as a patient. Furthermore, I felt I finally found an office where people WANTED to help me find answers and solutions to my health issues. My care thus far has been phenomenal and I am so grateful for the team at LoHi Chiropractic!

– Patricia.

About 10 months ago I suffered from constant headaches, muscle tension and fatigue – now I hardly ever deal with those symptoms. I feel great everyday because of the care and treatments I received from Dr. Woz. Plus, everyone in the office is so friendly and welcoming. They all want you to be happy and healthy!

– Jacee J.

I appreciate the combo treatment with adjustments. Got cupping in upper back last week that truly relieved my pain and tension. - Emily F.

I went from very frequent muscle pain in the upper back and neck along with almost daily headaches, to feeling the best I have in years. I have decreased fatigue and overall improved wellness. Thank You!

- Tricia C.

When I walked into this office, I could barely move my neck. While I still have issues with my upper back/neck, I can tell it's improved quite a bit. I feel a lot less pressure in my mid-back and feel like my lower back hurts a lot less than it used to.

- Rachel R.

Came here when my body was screaming for help after long intensive work and travels. Realizing I couldn’t give it the adjustments it needed to let go of bad energy. Dr. Woz and her team helped by opening up my blockages to allow my body to heal and re-align. Problems are developed over time, so give yourself the time it takes to heal! Thank you!

– Zarah

After a lifetime of unidentifiable pain, and getting chiropractic care since 16, Dr. Woz was the first professional to offer an actual diagnosis, explain it plainly so I could understand and offer a treatment plan with goals attached to dates. LoHi has given me access to healing my body and that education has altered my health for the positive.

– Nicole D.

I have struggled with chronic neck and jaw pain for 7 years receiving adjustments and massages here and there. My quality of life has changed drastically since coming to see Dr. Woz. Through her thorough care we discovered the exact source of my pain and together developed a treatment plant that has me coming in weekly. Excited for my chiropractic appointments once again! Dr. Woz has empowered me with answers to questions I’ve had about my body for nearly a decade! I feel confident that a year from now i’ll be pain free! Thank you Dr. Woz and the amazing staff at LoHi Chiropractic.

– Torrey

When I started coming in, I had the worst upper back and neck tightness. I had to turn my whole body to check my blind spot in my car because the pain in my neck was so bad. The neck pain/tightness has completely gone away, my scoliosis is fixed, and I look forward to continuing to get treatment once a month.

– Bethany Y.

When I started coming in, I had the worst upper back and neck tightness. I had to turn my whole body to check my blind spot in my car because the pain in my neck was so bad. The neck pain/tightness has completely gone away, my scoliosis is fixed, and I look forward to continuing to get treatment once a month.

– Ben K.

I was injured in auto collision in June of 2019. I came in with severe left side neck and back pain. Throughout the intense treatment regimen, I started to feel better as time went on even though I had doubts at first. Almost 5 months later through the excellent care and treatment I received I have minimal pain and feel almost as good as new! This place shows that they are passionate about their work!

– Sakisha S.

I have been extremely happy and impressed with my progress so far. I had recently given up on chiropractic care until coming here. I was in constant pain, affecting my person/business life. Very pleased with my care so far. Everyone is very friendly and knowledgeable. Thanks!

– Ryan W.

When I started in April, my lower back issue was causing problems in my hip flexor on one side. After my treatment, my back is holding the adjustments so that I am confident I can maintain wellness with once a month treatment. My hip issues are gone :) I am able to be active without pain during or after :) Very happy with treatment results.

– Julia H.

Wow, I’m able to focus on my posture. Before, I’d think about it for a couple of minutes and not for long periods of time. Now it is in my head all day long.

– Gonalo F.

When I first walked into this office I could barely move. My back was so twisted and spasmed I couldn’t even touch my toes without pain, and I’m a professional athlete. They took the time to sit down with me and truly listen to my health concerns and my history. The full assessment and breakdown of the care I would need in the short time I had felt honest and explained well, as opposed to a lot of people out there trying to take advantage of someone vulnerable financially. Everyone in the office was so kind and caring and the chiropractic adjustments really made a difference every time I came in. I came in about 12 times in a month and a half and feel more mobility and comfort in my spine and joints than I have in years. The schedule/plan set up for me was spot on to get me in the best shape possible for my next professional skating job. Thank you to the whole team for being so attentive and talented to help me high-kick and shimmy my way to Germany!

– Caroline M.

Before starting services here I was getting intense headaches almost every day. Through the services provided I hardly ever get headaches now and feel overall better and happier physically and mentally.

– Jacee J.

Before I started here I was having daily migraines, neck and back pain, and taking Excedrin/ibuprofen daily. Now I maybe have a migraine once every two to three weeks. I’m not missing classes or skipping out on fun things with my friends! I experience significantly less pain and I’m free to live my life again. I can’t thank Dr. Wozniak enough!

– Hannah S.

LoHi Chiropractic has fixed me. THANK YOU a million times. Five months ago I came in from a car accident in the worst pain of my life. I was scared about treatment at first, because I already was in enough pain, but after two months I could not wait to get to my appointments because I was starting to feel better. Physical Therapy was brutal but MUCH NEEDED! Month five today and I feel GREAT! THANK YOU LoHi Chiropractic.

– Kristie C.

Four weeks ago I was in a lot of discomfort. After four weeks of being treated three times a week, the pain has reduced and has given my neck a better range of movement, my back feels “balanced” and no pain. I sleep better and I don’t feel stressed by the discomfort I had.

– Jill C.

I have noticed a positive change in my daily energy, and ability to maintain my health without strenuous amounts of work. I’m finally in the final steps of processing into the Air Force Reserve and getting closer to my goal of running a half (or full) marathon in March 2020! I always look forward to my chiropractic appointment visits and I love how much better I’m feeling already when I thought I felt good before! A little improvement makes a world of difference.

– Shelby P.

The Number one goal is for us to feel better. I was treated like family here and would recommend it to anyone. We had a goal and we accomplished it together.

– Carlos S.

Not going to lie, I came in super skeptical about the whole chiropractic process but all of you have proven me other wise! My low back was wonky but the way you all are so diligent and take the time to explain everything in detail has helped me gain a better understanding on what it takes to continue to improve those issues.

– Alondra.

Came in with constant pain in shoulder, tightness etc. And even pain in my left hip and after only 4 weeks I feel 1,000% better! So glad I found this place, They were able to give me answers where every other chiropractic place I have gone has only adjusted me and sent me on my way. Now I’m on my way to fixing my scoliosis and feeling better than ever!

– Briana

Lohi Chiropractic has helped to significantly reduce my upper neck an lower back pain while easily explaining the reasoning behind everything. I never have questions about why something is happening because of how thoroughly they explain treatment procedures

– Jaymee

I have been to several chiropractors over the years. A car accident led me to Dr. Woz and her team, and I honestly feel like I won the lottery! They are all professional, caring, and a smart bunch! Any questions I have had during my treatment has been answered with care, compassion, and amazing detail. Thank you Dr. Woz and team!

– Kirsten

I have been treated by LoHi for approximately three months. The staff and doctor are exceptional. I received an update or my reports today, I am pleased with the results. I would highly recommend them because their staff is wonderful and the doctor truly shows that she cares.
– Brandie M.